Gypsy Life.

It all started in June 2009. My first trip abroad on my own. I wasn't exactly a travel virgin since my parents showed me the world before I could even walk. Traveling got contagious and it started itching too bad. I couldn't stay in Belgium one minute longer. I hopped on a pink plane towards Kos, a small and cozy island in Greece. I would call this little paradise 'home' for two months.
While working in a hotel as a kids entertainer I found a reason to go to Lithuania after. But I had to fly back to Valencia, where I was studying journalism for 5 months.
Trips to Vilnius, Barcelona and Marrakech were impulsive and with nice endings.
But after nearly half a beautiful year of Spanish craziness, I eventually had to get my ass back to tiny Belgium. Where a lovely invitation to Berlin was shining like a bright toothful smile in my mailbox. Berlin it was. And it was amazing. Afternoon breakfasts and evening concerts. But Nepal was waiting for me. Two months of writing down all the crazy/lovely things I've seen and done there.
As soon as I got back home I hopped on a plane towards Copenhagen. Before going back to Valencia for wonderful memories and working in Kreta for the summer.
When autumn came, moods got low and the sun went down. Feeling connected to family and friends at home, I decided to stick around a bit. Well, not in Belgium of course. But a little bit closer to home. Europe. Prague, Vienna, Graz, Zagreb, Ljubljana and Trieste.
Ended up living part-time in London for a couple of months. Have you ever seen the movie Almost Famous? Kate Hudson is the reason my interest in groupies got to a high. Groupie it is. London, Glasgow and Edinburgh were mostly about that.
It got cold in the UK, so I fled to the South. Spain, mi amor. Valencia (again, couldn't help it), Granada, Madrid, Zaragoza, Pamplona, Bilbao, San Sebastian, Gijon and Salamanca. With some Portugal in the meantime.
Porto and Lisbon screamed for me to come back. With pleasure. But first it was time for some festival fun in Denmark. Then beach and music in the South of Portugal. Aaaaah what a lovely summerfeeling.
One week to pack my backpack for Asia. Ooh how lovely, stepping on a plane to a place you hardly know, with no clue in what kind of sticky situations you will end up. Asia had a lot of stickiness in mind. Bangkok, my love for this filthy beautiful city increases every time I put foot on the warm Thai ground. I breath in the heat and smell the pollution and the streetfood.
Night trains, busses, cars, bikes, feet and tuktuks brought us everywhere in Laos, Vietnam, Cambodia and Thailand. How we loved being nomads doing typical touristy things. Yes, we've seen all the tempels in Bangkok, tubing in Laos; been there, eating everything and being sick in Vietnam, Angkor Wat in Cambodia and as a nice way of saying goodbye: full moon party on Koh Phangan.
Living in and out of a backpack, that's what I do. And I couldn't live without it anymore. The feeling of absolute freedom, wings bursting out of my shoulders and moving my toes around in beachy sand. Where Mondays are just Sundays with another name. Welcome to my life.

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