Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Analogue girl in a digital world

Isn't it lovely to write and receive a letter or a postcard? A piece of paper that has flown miles through the air, coming from exotic destinations like Sri Lanka or Lithuania :) Or even from around the corner, just to say hi. To know someone picked a card because they thought it would make you smile. Some sweet words, written in nearly unreadable handwriting, that you can read over and over again in sad times. You can't always keep on eating chocolate and spending money on crap to feel better! So let your mood, words, dreams flow through that pen, put it in an envelope and send your love! There's even a project going on to make people send postcards again, like back in the old days, even to strangers! Go on, have a look at and write about your day! Make someone happy and receive kitschy postcards in return!
For the ones who believe keyboardtyping isn't the new handwriting.

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