Friday, October 14, 2011

Chez maman

Brussels by night. Not the kind of night any of us had expected. It was warm and we were wearing black. Full moon made everyone feel excited and extreme. There were strange people smoking in front of a secret door. Not so secret actually, but we never noticed the door before. A man lead us inside the dark hallway. We walked up the stairs and got hit in the face with the heath of dancing people. We swayed slowly downstairs, with Jack Daniels and psychedelic music. Pitch black, it was darker inside then outside, where the moon and lanterns were throwing shadows on the floor. But inside everything was soft and black. The walls felt as if they were made out of velvet and people looked dark and intruiging. Nothing like any place we've been to before. Everybody was dancing individually, yet all with each other. Like in a dark cocoon, where everything is familiar and nice, we felt like we never wanted to be anywhere else. Dragshows, creepy paintings and lots of leather, welcome to mommy.

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